
Winter Make-up

Winters grasps everything in its cold and frosty feeling. Your skin, too suffers a lot in winters. When your skin dries out during the wintertime, you supplement your skin with various rich moisturizers and cold creams. But, this might not be enough.
Here are some tips on how to look glamorous with winter make-up tips.

Step 1
Use a foundation which has a rich moisturizing effect in it, in order to keep your skin equipped with necessary moisture. In other practice, use a moisturizer prior to applying foundation, incase you have the normal foundation. This will help your foundation go on much more smoothly and give a perfect look.

During the winter, avoid usage of make-up sponges. The sponges sop up the vital moisturizers of your skin.
When applying foundation during winter, it’s a safer practice to use a foundation brush instead.

The best thing about winters is that you can test different colors in make-up. Go for vibrant and rich colors for a change. It gives you a fresher livelier look. When we say vibrant, it does not mean overly done make-up. Brighter colors like plum red and rich maroons would give you a graceful and gorgeous look.

Winters tend to make your lips dry and crack. Hence prefer using lipstick with an added moisturizer or apply a gloss over your much loved lipstick, giving your lips a lustrous healthy look.

For final touch, add a little bronzer to your face. This will give you a sun-kissed tinge, giving you a bracing and dazzling look, in the dull season.

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