
Your Nails Are What You Eat

It is a fact that majority of women tend to make their face beautiful and ignore their hands and feet. It is however a fact that nailsplays an important part in our personality making and beauty enhancing habits. Nails are the most significant part of our hands.
are also become your personality statement. Not only this, healthy nails also provide an external signs of your health. From your healthy nails, one can easily judge your internal health because your nails are what you eat. So, it is very essential to make and maintain healthy nails rather to ignore or neglect.

There are countless easy ways to make and maintain healthy nails.

Among all practices, the diet for healthy nails is first and foremost element towards healthy nails. There are infinite tissues and cells under your healthy nails. They all needsufficientnutrients to stay healthy and fit. Eating a balance diet and a proper diet for healthy nails is very much essential in this regard.
Here we are giving some of the very vital and indispensablediet for healthy nails that not only make and maintain healthy nails but also help to protect your nails from nails abnormalities and diseases.

Diet for healthy nails:

Plenty of protein, vitamins, minerals and added facts are very much necessary for healthy nails. You must have to take diet which is full of nutrition and minerals. If you take sufficient and proper diet for healthy nails, then you can’t suffer from nail abnormalities and nail diseases.

Here are some instructions towards the right and proper diet for healthy nails.

  • Protein plays a vital role in making of healthy nails. So, take diet which is full of proteins. You can take one egg and a glass of milk daily as they both are rich source of protein and calcium which is essential for healthy nails.
  • Increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapes and papaya are rich of all types of vitamins. You can also take fresh leafy vegetables for healthy nails. These diets for healthy nails are full of vitamins and fibers that make your nails strong, healthy and shiny.
  • You also need such diet for healthy nails that are full of silicon, zinc, copper, iodine and other added minerals. Otherwise, white circle shape spots will appear in your nails which indicate lack of iron, zinc, copper and iodine. Top avoid this and to have healthy nails, use diet for healthy nails that is full of these minerals. Pumpkin seeds, whole grains, dark green vegetable, dried beans, nuts and dry fruits are the ultimate source to get the maximum minerals for your healthy nails.
  • For essential fats, you can use ground flaxseed. They can be used with cereals. These seeds will provideessentialfatty acids to your healthy nails and can be a good diet for healthy nails.
  • Drink lots and lots of fresh water. Al least 12 glasses of water is essential to have healthy nails.
By using these simple diets for healthy nails, you can easily attain healthy nails and then styled them with various nail art techniques.

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